Walt Disney Animation Studios has captivated the hearts of millions of dreamers throughout the world with beloved characters, stories, and moments of wonder over the past 100 years. VeVe, the digital collectible platform will feature a platinum collection that honors Disney’s 100th anniversary with some of the company’s most iconic figures.
This limited-edition Disney100 Collection features four renowned classic Walt Disney Animation Studios characters cast in sparkling platinum. Celebrate 100 Years of Wonder with these digital collectibles featuring Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Dumbo!
For these Disney100 Platinum Moments — Walt Disney Animation Series 1, a transformative potion NFT will be released separately for purchase, which can be uncapped and burned if you hold one of these collectibles to redeem a Disney100 Platinum Poster NFT. These gorgeous posters show Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Dumbo – as well as a touch of platinum.
The collection is scheduled to drop on March 22nd at 8 AM PT at a list price of $60. The Minnie Mouse NFT will be an ultra-rare nft with 2,100 editions, whereas Dumbo will be a secret rare drop with only 1,100 editions. Mickey Mouse will be an uncommon drop with 4,100 editions and Donald Duck will be a rare drop with 3,100 editions.
These collectibles are sold in a blind box, which means you won’t know which rarity you’ve purchased until after you’ve paid for it. From there, you can continue to add collectibles to your collection and connect with other Market users to complete your Set.
In addition to the existing VeVe 2.5% secondary market fee, a 6% licensor fee will be imposed on Disney sales in the secondary market.