The leading cryptocurrency exchange, Binance is preparing for an important upgrade on its BNB Beacon Chain mainnet with upcoming hard fork known as the “ZhangHeng” upgrade.
This will introduce a groundbreaking feature that allows the blockchain to halt block production under specific conditions. As per the statement of July 12, it is set to occur at block height 328,088,888 around July 19, this upgrade aims to enhance the security and integrity of the BNB Beacon Chain.
One of the key elements of the hard fork is the implementation of Binance Evolution Proposal BEP-255. This proposal focuses on the introduction of “on-chain asset reconciliation,” a crucial measure that addresses potential vulnerabilities arising from cross-chain bridge exploits.
BEP-255 entails tracking user balance changes within each block and conducting regular reconciliations to identify any irregularities. By doing so, Binance aims to prevent and mitigate any potential issues that could compromise the chain’s security.
While this action will impact downstream services like bridges, deposits, and withdrawals on exchanges, Binance considers it a necessary step to safeguard the chain and its users.
In the event of an exploitation or reconciliation error, the blockchain will need to undergo a hard fork to address the issue effectively. Binance plans to take swift action by blacklisting or correcting related accounts during the halt.
Also Read: Binance Empowers Layer 2 with opBNB Testnet on BNB Chain
Once the blockchain is successfully resumed, downstream services can be reinstated accordingly, providing users with a secure and reliable ecosystem.