The cryptocurrency trading bot, None Trading on Discord, has shut down due to a severe security issue, resulting in significant financial losses and the departure of key team members, ultimately leading to the suspension of the project.
Consequently, None Trading’s Discord, Telegram, and official website are now offline. Token holders have a 30-day window to claim their rewards before the platform becomes permanently inaccessible.
In the wake of this development, the value of None Trading tokens plummeted by a staggering 80%. At its launch just last month, the project boasted a market cap of $16.5 million.
The individual who identified as the CEO, known as Carve, claimed to be a 19-year-old with experience in NFTs and tokens since 2021, having worked on multiple projects.
The downfall of None Trading underscores the inherent risks in the cryptocurrency space, serving as a poignant reminder of the necessity for due diligence and caution when participating in such volatile markets.
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