A famous YouTuber, Erling Mengshoel Jr., known as Atozy, called Ben Armstong ‘a dirtbag influencer’ by posting a tweet on Armstong’s video asking for legal fund help.
Atozy began his tweet by referencing a defamation lawsuit Ben Armstong had filed against him for calling him a scammer regarding the promotion of an eccentric cryptocurrency, along with a claim for damages over $75,000 on August 12, 2022.
To fight against him, Atozy had to contact a real estate agent to sell his home to cover damages over $75,000. He also started a GoFundMe page to raise money to fight against him. Armstong laughed at this move by Atozy to raise funds. At the time,
With the help of fundraising, Atozy managed to raise $200,000 for his legal defense in less than 24 hours, and after that, Armstrong dropped the lawsuit against him as he raised enough money. Armstrong said, “well now he has the funds.” Armstrong allegedly wanted Atozy to financially drain bcz atozy called him dirtbag in one of his video. Now that Armstrong is doing same as him shows how hypocrite he is.
Atozy again called Ben, “IMO you are still the definition of a dirtbag influencer.”
Also Read: Full Story of Ben Armstrong, Who Arrested On Youtube Live