A proposal from SushiSwap recommends changing how its treasury works. It proposes to move assets from the DAO-controlled Treasury to a new one managed by Sushi Labs. This move aims to direct all future airdrops to the Sushi Labs vault, with a specific request for a 25 million Sushi token grant alongside other assets.
The proposal, introduced by developer Jiro, also outlines that Sushi Labs would become the exclusive recipient of future airdrops. The initiative seeks to transition SushiSwap towards a lab model to increase operational efficiency and boost the development of its protocol.
The proposal also stipulated that the new Sushi Labs entity would be the sole beneficiary of future airdrops awarded to Sushi by protocols and partners.
This shift is believed to provide the necessary agility that the current governance procedures lack, offering Sushi Labs complete operational responsibility over core product development.
“SushiSwap Head Chef” Jared Grey highlighted the proposal as a crucial step in refining the governance model to benefit Sushi holders and maintain DAO autonomy. This strategy is expected to expedite product delivery and enhance operational continuity.
The plan to restructure SushiSwap’s treasury sparked debate because of the significant asset transfer to Sushi Labs. It drew criticism from past SushiSwap members. As the vote heads towards its April 10th deadline, early tallies reveal a majority of 68.46% opposing the move, with only 31.54% in favor.
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