Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, forecasts an increase in non-traditional, secure cryptocurrency wallet-like communication devices. This prediction comes as privacy advocates are raising concerns over government oversight of such technologies.
During his interview with Tucker Carlson, Durov expressed his concerns about the government’s intimidation of services like Telegram. He added that he opts to keep himself “out of the geopolitical realm” as a neutral power.
Tucker Carlson noted that
“The world is becoming less amenable, and governments are becoming less tolerant of privacy. And that’s clearly the trend because they have more technological power.”
Durov says remaining part of the community has helped nurture his ability to embark on this expedient journey. He revealed that the FBI offered him an arrangement where Telegram would have installed spying backdoors in exchange for payment. As a result of being hacked and leaked, he completely lost his confidence in the safety of US platforms.
Furthermore, Durov believes that increased government surveillance will stimulate the invention of secure communication devices with hardware features similar to cryptocurrency hardware wallets that securely store digital assets.
Durov mentioned the UAE as a neutral country that allows privacy-focused businesses to operate in a suitable jurisdiction. He highlighted the need to remain the sole owner of Telegram by not accepting any venture capital investments, stating that he has enough personal funds to sustain the business without external investors.
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