Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has announced the messaging giant’s increased commitment to blockchain technology by detailing its plans to further integrate with The Open Network (TON). During the Token2049 conference in Dubai, Durov revealed Telegram’s strategic expansion into blockchain-based features, including tokenized stickers and emojis.
Revenue Sharing and Tokenization
Telegram is set to revolutionize how content creators benefit from their online engagement. Durov declared that the platform would allocate 50% of its ad-generated revenue to its users, encompassing channel owners and creators participating through the TON network.
This move aims to create a more equitable distribution model, contrasting sharply with other social media platforms that rely on selling user data to advertisers.
Telegram’s venture into tokenizing user features has already seen success with its namespace, generating substantial sales. Durov emphasized the importance of TON’s scalability, which is crucial for handling the projected increase in transaction volumes as more platform elements become tokenized.
The announcement coincides with Tether’s introduction of a dollar-pegged stablecoin and a gold-backed token on the TON network, indicating a growing acceptance of Telegram’s initial blockchain infrastructure. This collaboration underscores Telegram’s ambitious blueprint for leveraging blockchain technology to enhance user interaction and economic models within its platform.
Also Read: Tether Expands Dollar & Gold Stablecoins for Telegram’s TON