Starting at 13:00 am UTC on May 23, 2024, OKX will introduce DYDX subscriptions on On-chain Earn, providing users with hassle-free access to on-chain rewards. This exciting feature boasts several highlights, including no subscription limits, simplified operational steps for a smoother user experience, and real on-chain annualized earnings.
To stake DYDX on On-chain Earn, simply navigate to the respective section on either the browser or the OKX app, search for DYDX, and select subscribe.
However, it’s essential to carefully review and understand the rules of each project’s proof-of-stake mechanism before subscribing. These rules encompass various aspects such as minimum redemption amount, interest accrual start time, reward distribution time, principal redemption period, and expected annualized earnings.
OKX will deduct a certain percentage of fees from users, detailed information about which can be found on the product introduction page.
While OKX facilitates the launch and reward distribution, it disclaims responsibility for disputes, hacking incidents, project fraud, and other risks potentially leading to asset loss for subscribers.
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